RSVP Greater Twin Cities- West Metro

Monday, November 14, 2011

Minnesota SMARxT DISPOSAL launches

Do you have old or expired medications sitting in your medicine cabinet, but are unsure about how to properly dispose of them? SMARxT DISPOSAL is a new public awareness campaign designed to educate Minnesotans about the safest way to dispose of these medications. Contrary to previous advice, flushing medications or pouring them down the drain is not recommended due to potential harmful effects on waterways. Instead, follow this three step process to most safely dispose of the medications in your household trash:

1) Pour medication into a sealable bag. If medication is a solid, add water to dissolve. Remove all personal information from container, if needed.
2) Add kitty litter, sawdust, coffee grounds (anything to make medication less appealing to eat) to the plastic bag.
3) Seal the plastic bag completely and throw it in the trash.

Alternatively, many counties are now hosting prescription drug take back events (Hennepin and Carver), or are establishing permanent drop-off spots (Scott) where medications are collected and disposed. Check with your county website if you'd like to find out more about this option.

More details can be found on the SMARxT DISPOSAL website at